Why you should not vote "tactically" in the European elections

You may have come across an article by Gina Miller about so called tactical voting in the 2019 European elections for Remain parties.

However, in this European election, you should vote Green whichever region of Britain you live in and never vote "tactically" for a different party. Here is why:

1. The Green message is one Europe really needs. The declarations of climate emergencies by so many places around the world, as well as a clear need for a new political vision in a divided Europe, are already good reasons to vote Green, in addition to Green MEPs' strong and consistent record on upholding our civil rights in Europe. Green MEPs can also help reform EU policies that are detrimental to the environment, such as the Common Agricultural Policy.

2. Tactical voting does not apply to PR elections. The main point of proportional representation is that the proportion of votes won is important, not necessarily the order in which parties finish. Also, the regions used in European Parliament elections in Britain have no threshold for parties so making sure the Green Party wins as many votes as possible is vital, especially with the European vote in general more fragmented than ever.

3. We are in any case electing representatives to the European Parliament, not a government. Therefore tactical voting does not apply since European Parliament elections are about electing people in, not removing people. The European Parliament does not have coalitions, only different groups.

Vote for what you believe in. Vote Green for a Europe that cares about you, future generations, and the environment on which we all depend and which we should all be able to enjoy fairly.


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