Why green politics is crucial to our future-and why I am glad to be a loyal British Green

Readers, over the past year or so, quite a few activists I know have left the Green Party for one reason or another, either to defect to another party or to leave politics altogether.

Regardless, they still need to realise why green politics and sustainability are essential for our future, and why their activism was and is important to achieving the aims of green politics.

It is clear now to almost everyone, bar a few (often wealthy) stubborn and selfish climate change deniers like the Koch Brothers, that artificial climate change is real and is occurring; the IPCC report showed this and so did the fact that we reached 400 ppm in terms of greenhouse gas emissions,which includes carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane etc. This artificial climate change has occurred primarily because of the effects of the last 30 years of the neoliberal capitalism that has had a grip on the major nations of our planet.

The inequality, the destruction of animal and human life, and environmental damage that capitalism has wreaked means monetarist politics has to go if humanity is to survive in the long term. We are all dependent on our environment-we may be intelligent but ultimately we still have some of the same fundamental needs as our fellow animals, whether they be cats, dogs, birds or other animals-and also on each other so that we can progress. We need thus a sustainable future which recognises that stability, co-operation, human rights, fairness and equality are much more important than growth and money.

Sustainability and fairness are some of the core parts (perhaps the two most important parts) of green politics, and that is why I am proud to still be with the Green Party of England and Wales, and still helping to achieve a better long-term future for us, the human race. I hope those activists within Green Parties around the world can remain loyal to green politics as long as possible, because we need the help we can get to achieve our goals and to preserve our environment,and therefore us, from the chaos ,carelessness and destruction that comes from the free market.




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