Why the proposed EU-US Free Trade Agreement Is So Dangerous And Must Be Stopped

Earlier this year, trade talks between the European Union and the USA were started to create the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), otherwise known as the EU-US free trade agreement. This is designed to 'harmonise regulations' between the US and the EU.

In reality, this 'free trade' agreement is the most dangerous corporate power grab ever to have been attempted, aside from the equally dangerous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

The reason for this is because clauses of the agreement, which I hope the European Parliament will never approve, allow corporations, especially trans-national corporations, to sue governments over common-sense health and environmental regulations simply on the grounds that it will lead to 'loss of profit'.

This means that governments across the EU and also in the USA will feel unable to pass new legislation (or worse, may even be pressured by corporations into repealing existing legislation) that is important to public health, workplace safety, workers' rights, or our environment. Concerns have already been raised about the fact that this agreement, if implemented could make privatisation of once-public health services irreversible (at least without withdrawing from the EU first).

The size of the economy of the EU and the USA also means that the TTIP has very serious implications globally.

Also, this agreement will not even bring any real growth or any real economic boosts to nations that are part of it-it will just transfer abusive levels of power to corporate giants like Monsanto, Bayer et al.

Therefore, so that we can protect our freedoms, our rights, our health, and our environment, we must campaign to make sure that the EU-US free trade agreement is never allowed by the European Parliament to progress-or if all else fails, campaign for Britain to exit the European Union so that the agreement's disastrous potential consequences can be escaped.

Regards, Alan.





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