
Showing posts from June, 2024

British general election 2024-predictions

  With nominations for the British general election 2024 having closed yesterday and with statements of persons nominated having been released, this election has already set a record for highest number of candidates-over 4,500 across the UK, beating the previous record of 4,150 set in 2010. The number of MPs retiring at this election did not however quite match the 2010 record despite major constituency boundary changes, with 132 retiring at this election including Mick Whitley and Beth Winter, who failed to find new seats after losing selections in merged seats and Sam Tarry, who was deselected in Ilford South and failed to find another seat, compared to 149 in 2010. In the vast majority of seats, all five major British political parties-the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, the Green Party and Reform UK-are contesting, the Speaker's seat of Chorley notwithstanding, with the Workers' Party and (continuity) Social Democratic Party the only other political parties contes